The Big City Spirits

This ceramic series rethinks the process of myth-making in a modern city. Life is evolving and changing, so we have to get new patrons for our everyday needs which are also changing. The process of myth-making continues constantly regardless to our official religious and social affiliation.

When we need to get home faster we address the traffic lights directly and ask them to change the color immediately, or ask The Heavy Traffic Jam to please let us pass. So I decided to visualize some modern city spirits and patrons the way I see them.

The Empty Coat
My first idea was the gray Autumn sky bound by the wires with the birds sitting on them. The form of an empty coat came later. And the sculpture got the new meaning after that.

It is about the duality of the benefits of The Information Era. Do the global network and the Internet give us more freedom or do they get us under their total control?

The Empty Coat allows us to try it on also and to ask those questions to ourselves.

The Empty Coat

Ceramics, glaze, metal wire

24 x 10 x 8 cm


The Spirit of A Christmas Bustle
Is it a Christmas Tree or an empty down jacket decorated with
a plenty of little things to be done before the Holidays? Probably both. It is also a bell which can notify everyone around about your heroism or can call for help if you are totally exhausted by all the holiday hustle and bustle, after all.
The Spirit of A Christmas Bustle
Ceramics, glaze, metal wire
14 x 13 x 9 cm


The Superstition Peddler
Life in a big city brings forth a powerful blend
of various people, nationalities, culture, languages and customs. This powerful mixture spreads like
a virus and has its chaotic influence on everyone.
As a result, we are faced with a confused collection
of human personal beliefs and superstitions.

The Superstition Peddler

Ceramics, glaze

16 x 6 x 7 cm


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