Alexandra Tkachenko

Artist & Illustrator
My Present Simple
My creative process is concentrated on the research about basic principles of human life and human behavior. My main focus lays in the shadow of our social masks
at the field of The Collective Unconsciousness. Amn't a nihilist but a skeptic who has questions to Faith, deep Fear and superstitions.
My today focus is on the analysis of the nature of human beliefs and superstitions. I am interested in the mechanics and effects of the ancient archetypes and the collective unconscious sphere to a modern human.
Exhibitions & Media

2024 Jul - Aug

CCA Winzavod

The Seven Gossips Forest, collective exhibition in Totibadze Gallery representing the diploma works of the seven artists (Seven Arts), graduated from the Illustration Cours at the HSE Art and Design School.

2024 Jul - Aug

LIN Gallery

The Colors of Childhood an art exhibition at the LIN Gallery, Moscow.

023 Aug - Oct

VZ Moscow

The Circus of Illusions, collective exhibition based on Tim Burton aesthetics. (Rus)

2002 - 2007

Russian State University for the Humanities, Philosophy

2009 - 2010

State University of Management, Moscow

2021 - 2022

Moscow School of painting and drawing, academic drawing

2022 - 2024

HSE Art and Design School, Profession Illustrator
My Recent Works & Projects
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